Dandelion Seeds | 2013
*This poem was published in Danse Macabre in 2013
Bonelessly plummeting softly -
flaccidly phallic;
frugally saving up little tidbits of gravity,
to finally stand
defiantly tall,
drifting about
freshly cut grass
shaped by emaciated figures
and droplets of melted ice-cream.
Ticklish memories
dismissed to their theatrically suffocating little death
amidst gray-green exhaust pipes,
golden smog,
magenta winds,
and digestible trucks
that enter one way,
and never leave the other.
Like Roquefort cheese or Escargot
resilient in the belief that the aftermath-pleasure
will outweigh the fleeting bitterness;
because fragile butterflies
tease a smile
but cold feet
for times when things were once warm;
in the days where that grocery list
rampantly hung on the fridge door
proudly flaunted doodles
with scribbled notes
reminding mum and dad
to pick up Richard from self-defense
and little Lilly from Ballet.